Rebecca Teitel
Senior Producer

A producer, writer and director with more than a decade of television and documentary experience, Rebecca specializes in investigative reporting on race, politics and national a airs. Her work has aired on a variety of major television networks including NBC, ABC, MSNBC, Discovery and the National Geographic Channel. Her most recent documentary, Hate in America, a partnership between NBC, Discovery and the Southern Poverty Law Center, investigated the complex roots of hate crimes in the United States. Rebecca’s previous projects include two Rachel Maddow documentaries that revealed new information regarding the U.S. government’s private deliberations prior to the invasion of Iraq: Why We Did It and Hubris: Selling the Iraq War,which was MSNBC’s highest-rated documentary in a decade. During the 2012 presidential election, she developed and produced We Decide: Latinos and the 2012 Election, a live town hall with NBC News’ Natalie Morales. Rebecca also contributed reporting to The New York Times’ award-winning investigative series Breakdown: Death and Disarray at America’s Racetracks, which exposed corruption in the horse racing industry and led to racing reforms.